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Analysis of clinical images, sounds, and videosR&D, Research and Development


Analysis of clinical images, sounds, and videos


Automated clinical diagnostics


Customer care and management


Medical and biological research

We collaborate with experts in medicine, biology, pharmacy, and analytics to drive innovative AI solutions in health and technology.

Boost Medical Precision and Efficiency with AI

We are ready to assist you
Customizable solutions for your clinic
full circle imagesemi circle image

Analysis of clinical images, sounds, and videos

1. Imaging Diagnosis

Our SuperAI system can be trained to recognize lesions, tumors, or abnormalities in computed tomography (CT), X-rays, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and other diagnostic images. It supports and accelerates diagnostic specialists, helping to prioritize the most urgent cases and ultimately improving medical services.

2. Operative Video Assistant

Our AnatomAI system can recognize different anatomical parts in real-time video and highlight areas of clinical interest and their direction in relation to the observer. It is adaptable for many cases, enhancing decision-making safety in high-stress difficult operations and reducing the learning curve for new doctors.

3. Accurate Automatic Counts

CountES combines deep learning methods with an innovative statistical method developed by a member of our team. CountES can count the number of items of interest in an image with enormous accuracy, even when dealing with populations of millions of elements. It can be applied to count cells, bacteria, or any other item of interest.


Automated clinical diagnostics

1. Pre-screening

It enables the optimization of case prioritization for both laboratories and clinics. Our solution integrates easily into customer reception or on the website.

2. Get Insights

Enhances medical decision-making: it calculates the likelihood of treatment success and logs diagnoses to improve patient care.

3. AI-Follow up

Boosts patient recovery with our AI as a surveillance network that monitors the recovery process and notifies both the doctor and the patient about potentially alarming symptoms in real time.


Customer care and management

1. Medical Bot

Our MedicalBot is capable of providing real-time personalized recommendations to patients and medical staff around the clock. It can answer questions based on medical history, tailored to the patient's personal preferences and needs.

2. Digital Medical Records

With Natural Language Processing (NLP), we can digitize medical records and store them in databases that can be quickly and easily accessed for clinical research purposes.


Medical and biological research

We advise, collaborate, and manage scientific research projects for the public and private sectors.

1. Data Analysis

We leverage your data and assist you in configuring your project in the most optimal way by using advanced statistical techniques. We utilize software in Python, Matlab, R, handling techniques that include:

  • Time Series
  • Fourier Series
  • Factor Analysis
  • Cluster Analysis
  • Reliability Analysis
  • Rasch Modeling
  • Multiple Regression Analysis
  • Inference and Monetization
  • Latent Class Analysis (LCA)

2. Asesoramiento en el de desarrollo de algoritmos de Machine Learning

Eliminamos las distracciones y obstáculos en tu camino, permitiéndote concentrarte sin preocupaciones en tu investigación médica. Facilitamos la implementación de la Inteligencia Artificial en tu entorno clínico, garantizando un control absoluto sobre tus datos.

Tu información nunca será compartida ni utilizada para entrenar modelos que beneficien a terceros, tu privacidad y control son nuestra prioridad.

  • Assistance in data labeling
  • Assistance in selecting and writing models
  • Assistance in evaluating the effectiveness of different models